Popular kits

Product Management

Product management is an organizational lifecycle function within a company dealing with the planning, forecasting, and production, or marketing of a product or products at all stages of the product lifecycle.

Software Engineering

Software engineering is a field of engineering, for designing and writing programs for computers or other electronic devices. A software engineering writes software, or changes existing software using methods that improve it.

Data Science

Data science refers to the collective processes, concepts, and technologies that enable the review, analysis and extraction of knowledge and information from raw data. It is geared toward helping organizations make better decisions from data.


Statement from the founder

Daring Leaps is a community created with the desire to help people grow their careers beyond the limits of their current career paths.

As someone who has switched roles multiple times, I know how difficult it can be to make the transition smoothly. Despite having access to the best of resources, I still experienced a lot of friction during the process. I was ultimately successful, but there is no doubt that having a mentor to hold my hand through the process would have made a world of difference.

Get involved

Time is precious, and investing it into developing a mentorship relationship is a noble endeavour. If you are already mentor, or a volunteer elsewhere, you know what it means to dedicate yourself to a cause.

Volunteering can be done in other ways. Daring Leaps is a not-for-profit community. As a result, we are always looking for volunteers, to help run the site, to moderate the community, and to lend a helping hand to members when they need one.